To the President of the European Parliament Mr․ David Sassoli, members of the European Parliament, to the Parliaments of the European Union STATEMENT On errors, omissions and unacceptable wordings contained in the Resolution of the European Parliament “On a Political Solution to the Armenian Question” of June 18, 1987 (Shortened version for media) By …
Kategori: Yasalar ve Bildirgeler
To the UN – On demarcation of the border between the State of Armenia and the Republic of Azerbaijan
(Below mentioned Statement is a short version of the statement in English applied to the United Nations on August 7, 2019. The original is the full version in Armenian) To the United Nations S T A T E M E N T On demarcation of the border between the State of Armenia and the Republic …
STATEMENT About demilitarization of Western Armenia and Cilicia and the withdrawal of the occupying troops of the Republic of Turkey from these territories
(Shortened version) To the United Nations Secretary-General Mr. Antonio Guterres STATEMENT About demilitarization of Western Armenia and Cilicia and the withdrawal of the occupying troops of the Republic of Turkey from these territories Taking into consideration that – On October 30, 1918 between the representatives of Entente and Turkey the Mudros truce was signed …
APPLICATION for membership of the Republic of Western Armenia (the State of Armenia) in the United Nations
The text of this statement is presented in an abridged version To the United Nations APPLICATION for membership of the Republic of Western Armenia (the State of Armenia) in the United Nations Taking into consideration the Republic of Western Armenia (State of Armenia)
BATI ERMENİSTAN ERMENİLERİNİN KENDİ KADERİNİ TAYİN HAKKIYLA İLGİLİ BİLDİRGE Şuşi, 17 Aralık 2004 Batı Ermenistan Ermenilerinin Ulusal konseyi dünyada dağılmış Ermeni halkının ortak iradesini ifade ederek; Tüm Ermenilerin isteğini gerçekleştirip tarihi adaletin yerine getirilmesi için Ermeni milletinin kaderindeki sorumluluğumuzun ciddiyetini anlayarak, insan hakları evrensel bildirgesindeki prensiplere uygun bir şekilde halkların kendi kaderini tayin hakkını kullanarak; …